티스토리 뷰

◆ Financial Engineering 추천 주제 ◆


 American and Russian Options
American options under stochastic volatility and stochastic interest ra
Pricing and Sensitivity computations of American options in jump type market models
The Pricing of Callable Russian Options
Asset Allocation and Hedging
Dynamic Asset Allocation: a Portfolio Decomposition Formula and Applications
A New Computational Scheme for Computing Greeks by the Asymptotic Expansion
Optimal Greek Weights by Kernel estimation
Accurate evalution of Greeks in continuous diffusion models via higher order weak schemes based on analytic expansions of probability densities
American Option
Enhanced policy iteration for American options via scenario selection
The Valuation of American Spread Options under Jump Diffusion Processes
A General Characterization of the Early Exercise Premium
Pricing American Options under Stochastic Volatility and Jump-Diffusion Dynamics
Fast and Accurate Pricing of Early Exercise Options with the Fast Fourier Transform
American-style Options on Two Assets under Jump-Diffusion Processes
American Put Option Pricing for Stochastic-Volatility, Jump-Diffusion Models
Closed-form upper bounds for the optimal exercise boundary of American put
Does the Early Exercise Premium Contain Information about Future Underlying Returns
Pricing and hedging perpetual American options in jump-diffusion models: barrier, lookback, switching and credit options
A semilinear partial integro-differential equation for American options
Optimal Portfolio Selection and Risk Measure
Convex Stochastic Optimization Associated with Portfolio Selection
Credit risk
CDS options pricing with a jump diffusion intensity model
Elliptical distribution model for the pricing of CDOs
Convertible Bond
On the Valuation of Callable Convertible Bonds with Reset Clauses of Conversion Prices
Credit derivatives
Credit derivatives with recovery of market value for multiple firms
A Mixed PDE-Monte Carlo Approach for Pricing Credit Default Swaps Portfolio Options
Efficient Importance Sampling for Reduced Form Models in Credit Risk
The Forward Loss Model: A Dynamic Term Structure Approach for the Pricing of Portfolio Credit Derivatives
Exotic Options
A New Type of Barrier Options: Lizard Option
Valuation of exotic and credit derivatives in Levy models,
Forward Start Option Pricing with Stochastic Volatility: a General Framework
Valuing Continuous-Installment Options
Exotic Options Pricing under Stochastic Volatility
Trading Maximum Drawdown and Options on Maximum Drawdown
Parisian barrier options and ruin probabilities
Numerical results for rank processes
Forward starting options in the Heston model and applications to the pricing of year-on-year-inflation options
On the timing option in a futures contract
Pricing Lookback Options with Knock-out Boundaries
Optimal Importance Sampling for Pricing Rare Event Derivatives in Diffusion Models
Static Super-Replicating Strategies for Exotic Options
Model independent bounds for the price of arithmetic Asian options
Option Pricing
Pricing and Illiquidity
An equilibrium model for default risk (A detailed summary of results without proofs)
Pricing and Hedging in Illiquid Financial Markets
Optimal portfolio selection
Optimal Investment with an Unbounded Random Edowment and Utility-Based Pricing Methods
Investment and Pricing
Investment Timing Problem under Tax Exemptions
Pricing Equity Swaps in an Economy with Jumps
Adaptive Calibration of Risk Neutral Parameters with Applications to Option Valuation
Hedging and Levy process
Optimal continuous-time hedging with leptokurtic returns
Jump Diffusion Processes and their Applications in Insurance and Finance
How dangerous it will be if an insurer invests its surplus into a stock market?
Hedging and Risk Measure
Static Hedging in Supermarkets
Pricing and risk measuring in incomplete markets and context of uncertainty with extension to a dynamic framework
Hedging Strategy
Structure Equations and Options Pricing
Optimal quadratic hedging in models with jumps
Optimal partial hedging of options with transaction costs
High Frequency and Filtering
Nonsynchronously observed diffusions and covariance estimation
Market Analysis
A multi-horizon comparison of density forecasts for the S&P 500 using index returns and option prices
Swaption Pricing in affine framework both in continous and discrete-time
Interest Rate Volatility Implicit in Term Structure Data
Mortgage, Basket Option, and Pinning
Stock Pinning: Theory and Simulations
Optimal Portfolio Selection
Optimal asset allocation for aggregated defined benefit pension funds with stochastic interest rates
Stochastic Consumption Investment Problem with Labor Income: an Asymptotic Expansion Approach
Portfolio Optimization under a Conditional Value-at-Risk constraint
Portfolio optimization under constraints with an application in high dimension
The martingale method in a Levy Market
Power and Default
Default Risk, Bankruptcy Procedures and the Market Value of Life Insurance Liabilities
Pricing Corporate Bonds using Dynamic Default Barriers
The Law of One Futures Price
Arbitrage and Approximate Arbitrage: The Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing
A new method for nonparametric option pricing under constraints
Option Pricing
Option Implied PDFs': A Moment Problem Approach
On the solvability of nonlinear Black-Scholes equations incorporating transaction costs
A complete-market generalization of the Black-Scholes model
Risk Sharing
On the optimal risk allocation problem
Optimal Capital and Risk Transfers for Group Diversification
Hybrid Cat-bonds
Portfolio and Asset Allocation
Generalized Option Based Portfolio Insurance
A benchmarking approach to robust asset allocation when there is model ambiguity
Stochastic Modeling
A market model for stochastic smile: a conditional density approach
The Bayesian Agent and the Co-movement of Security Prices
Heath-Jarrow-Morton Models with Regime-Switching Volatility
Applicability of Random Matrix Theory Given the Stylized Facts of Empirical Finance
A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach for Portfolio Selection
On some bivariate models with NIG-marginals in finance
A theoretical model of the limit order book and some applications
Weak Approximations of Jump Diffusions with Applications in Finance
Loss Analysis of a Life Insurance Company Applying Discrete-time Risk-minimizing Hedging Strategies
Modeling the Term Structure of Defaultable Bonds under Recovery Risk
Quantization of the filter process and application to optimal stopping problems under partial observation
Arbitrage Bounds for Volatility Derivatives
Swaption Smiles and Convexity Adjustments
Consistent Variance Curve Models
Arbitrage free interpolation of the swap curve
Localizing Volatility
To bias or not to bias? - Exact or biased simulation of stochastic volatility models
Measuring Realized Volatility with Partial High-Frequency Data
Volatility Smile
Constructive theory of general market models for IR derivatives: graph theory, admissible sets of swap rates and smile modelling
Volatility and MEMM
The minimal entropy martingale measure and numerical option pricing for the Barndorff-Nielsen & Shephard stochastic volatility model
Volatility Smile/Smirk Properties of [GLP &MEMM] Models
An application of multiperiod optimization methods to currency hedging strategies
Multi-period arbitrage and the marginal utility of optimal inter-temporal wealth

'FINANCE > Financial Enginnering' 카테고리의 다른 글

Interest Rate Model  (0) 2009.01.26
최병선 교수 추천 목록  (0) 2009.01.22
Clustering of Random number  (0) 2008.08.06
MSFE 취직후 Position (2003-2004)  (0) 2008.07.23
deri bloomberg  (0) 2008.07.16