마스터되는길 | 마스타 http://blog.naver.com/masakie/14445828 강좌 번호 강좌명 Description VB0001.zip VBA강좌를 시작하며 Introduction VB0002.zip 사각형 그리기 사각형 그리기를 통한 반복문 익히기 예제 VB0003.zip 사각형 그리기Ⅱ 사각형 그리기를 통한 반복문 익히기 예제Ⅱ VB0004.zip 시트 맘대로 주무르기 코드를 사용해서 워크시트 제어하기 VB0005.zip 시트 맘대로 주무르기Ⅱ 코드를 사용해서 워크시트 제어하기Ⅱ VB0006.zip About 프로젝트 탐색창 프로젝트 탐색창에 대한 설명 및 작업하기 VB0007.zip 코드창에서 작업하기 VB의 기본 작업창인 코드창에서 작업하기 VB0008.zip VB Editor 환..
Speed up code and stop screen flickering: Sub NoScreenRePainting() Application.ScreenUpdating=False 'Your code here. Application.ScreenUpdating=True End Sub Preventing calculation while executing code: Sub NoCalculations() Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'Your code here. Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub Speeding up code if you have Worksheet or Workbook Even..
Public Sub ThreeWeight() Dim i As Double, j As Integer Dim s As Worksheet Dim N As Double Dim sum As Double Dim cel As Double Dim a(2) As Double Set s = Sheet1 N = 60000 For i = 1 To N For j = 1 To 3 s.Cells(i, j) = Rnd() Next j Next i For i = 1 To N For j = 1 To 3 a(j - 1) = s.Cells(i, j) Next j '3가지 rand()의 합계구함 sum = a(0) + a(1) + a(2) For j = 1 To 3 s.Cells(i, j + 4) = a(j - 1) / sum Next j ..
'Normal dist. Random number Generator Option Explicit Sub B_M_G() Const pi = 3.14159265358979 Dim i As Integer, N As Double Dim u1 As Double, u2 As Double, u3 As Double Dim a1 As Double Dim p1 As Double, p2 As Double Dim nr1 As Double, nr2 As Double, nr3 As Double Dim s As Worksheet Set s = Sheet1 N = InputBox("얼마나 생성할까?", "생성하고 싶은 개수") For i = 0 To N 'Box-Muller Generator u1 = Rnd() u2 = Rnd() ..
(첫 페이지 소개중에서..) PopTools is a versatile add-in for PC versions of Microsoft Excel (97, 2000 or XP) that facilitates analysis of matrix population models and simulation of stochastic processes. It was originally written to analyse ecological models, but has much broader application. It has been used for studies of population dynamics, financial modelling, calculation of bootstrap and resampling s..
'정규누적확률분포(p151) Function CND(Z As Double) Dim a1 As Double Dim a2 As Double Dim a3 As Double Dim a4 As Double Dim a6 As Double Dim L As Double Dim K As Double a1 = 0.31938153 a2 = -0.356563782 a3 = 1.781477937 a4 = -1.821255978 a5 = 1.330274429 L = Abs(Z) K = 1 / (1 + 0.2316419 * L) CND = 1 - 1 / Sqr(2 * 3.1415926) * Exp(-L ^ 2 / 2) * _ (a1 * K + a2 * K ^ 2 + a3 * K ^ 3 + a4 * K ^ 4 + a5 * K ^ 5..
Sub test() Dim i As Double Dim n As Double Dim s As Sheet1 Dim start As Integer start = 0 n = 100 Set s = Sheet1 Randomize For i = 1 To n s.Cells(i, 1) = Rnd If s.Cells(i, 1) > 0.5 Then s.Cells(i, 2) = 1 Else s.Cells(i, 2) = -1 End If Next i s.Range("C1") = start For i = 1 To n start = start + s.Cells(i + 1, 2) s.Cells(i + 1, 3) = start Next i End Sub
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